Friday, May 31, 2019

Essay --

1.PAPILDYTOS REALYBS MIKROPROGRAM SAVYBS IR REIKALAVIMAI1.1Papildytos realybs samprata ir savybsPapildyta realyb (angl. augment reality, lietuvikai dar vadinama iplstine tikrove) tai spariai populiarjanti nauja technologija, leidianti realiu laiku per vaizdo stebjimo rang matom vaizd papildyti virtualiais objektais ir informacija (1 pav.).Tarp daugybs skaitmenini nuotrauk, televizijos reklam ir video film kartais sunku suprasti, kur prasideda papildyta realyb, o kur tik skaitmeniniai elementai. Grafikos redagavimo programa (pavyzdiui Photoshop ar Corel Draw) nuotraukos real vaizd papildius 2D igalvotais objektais, papildyta realyb nebus sukuriama nra 3D element ir interaktyvumo, o tai yra labai svarbios ios technologijos slygos.iai technologijai taip pat nepriskiriami filmai ir televizija. Kai kurie filmai, tokie kaip Jros periodo parkas ar Avataras gausiai naudoja erdvinius ir virtualius objektus, sklandiai perdengtus su realia 3D aplinka, taiau jie nra interaktyvs ir negali bti p riskirti papildytai realybei.Siekiant plaiau sigilinti papildytos realyba svok, iskirsime tris pagrindines jos savybes 91) galimyb sujungti tikr ir virtuali informacij2) papildyta realyb yra interaktyvi realiu laiku3) papildyta realyb veikia ir yra naudojama 3D aplinkoje.Papildytos realybs sistemos dl naudojam platform gali bti skirstomos dvi kategorijas mobilias ir fiksuotas. Mobili papildytos realybs sistema suteikia vartotojui judjimo laisv daugybje aplink, o fiksuota sistema atvirkiai negali bti perkelta ir yra naudojama tik ten, kur yra rengta.Iskiriamos keturios papildytos realybs platformos1) asmeniniai kompiuteriai su internetinmis kamero... ...aguoja mogaus ar kit objekt prisilietimus, ir suteikia jiems virtuali informacij realiu laiku.Tinkamiausias pavyzdys iam metodui suvokti yra Microsoft projektas LightSpace, kuriame panaudota papildyta realyb ir 2007-ais metais ileistas Microsoft stalinis kompiuteris Surface. LightSpace sukuria aplink, kurioje bet koks pavirius ir netgi erdv tarp t paviri yra visikai interaktyvs 12. Kombinacija tarp pavirins kompiuterijos ir papildytos realybs yra vadinama erdvine kompiuterija (angl. spatial computing).LightSpace kameros ir projektoriai yra sukalibruoti 3D realaus pasaulio koordinates, kurios galina tas kameras ir projektorius atvaizduoti bei stebti grafines projekcijas ant bet kokio paviriaus tam nra reikalingas skaitmeninis pavirius. diegus toki sistem bet koki patalp ji tampa skaitmenine, interaktyvia erdve 13.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Henry James The Aspern Papers -- Henry james Aspern papers Essays

Henry James The Aspern PapersThe Aspern Papers by Henry James illustrates a classic opposition without the story the underestimation of the old by the young. The teller, Asperns publisher, sets himself to the task of retrieving several mysterious papers from a former fan of his idol, and goes in with the easy confidence of a young man who never dreams that anyone, much less an elderly lady, could be not one, however in particular several, steps ahead of him at all times in his hunt for literary gold. The relationship between Miss Bordereau and the narrator is that of the cat and the mouse, with the narrator accept he is the cat, and Miss Bordereau knowing that she has the upper hand by the simple fact of possession. The narrator is certain the love garner exist, but Miss Bordereau has no intention of turning over her private affairs to an impudent stranger who does not even have the decency to be straightforward and ask her about the letters instead he concentrates on her niec e, Miss Tina, and in effect seals his own destiny with that choice, leading to the option of marriage or losing the papers completely. From the first meeting between the narrator and Miss Bordereau, it seems that the old woman has a very clear idea of the character of Asperns publisher and knows precisely what he is after. Although the narrator has some doubts as to the success of his admiration for her garden, her niece, and her home, stating that She listened to me in perfect stillness and I felt her look at me with great penetration, overall he never doubts his eventual success until his final defeat at Miss Bordereaus deathbed (James, 16). He does try to act natural and jovial in her presence, but in that location is always an underlying t... ...they will willingly hand him the letters with their blessing. In an obvious reversal of this prediction, however, is Miss Bordereaus response to the narrators ask to push her wheelchair from the balcony overlooking the garden O h yes, you may move me this way you shant any other (James, 66). Miss Bordereau is always moving beyond the reach of the narrator, but he does not realize just how far beyond his reach the beloved papers are until the conclusion of the story Miss Bordereau is dead, Miss Tina is no longer a pliable tool, and the papers have been irrevocably turned into unreadable ash. The relationship that he sought to form between himself and Miss Bordereau through the intermediary of Miss Tina has left him with nothing and has left Miss Bordereau laughing in her grave at the young, overconfident literary who thought he could specify the better of her.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Characteristics of an Exceptional Manager :: MBA College Admissions Essays

Characteristics of an Exceptional Manager Describe the characteristics of an exceptional manager. Illustrate how his or her management style has influenced you. In management consulting, strong analytical skills are precious as much as, if not more than, effective managerial and leadership skills. Unfortunately, for some consultants, these characteristics, at times, are mutually exclusive. I was fortunate, however, to work with name on my first major estimate at consulting firm. As my project-manager, he demonstrated a superior combination of leadership, managerial, and communication skills. As a result of our interaction, I conditioned several important lessons and tools that I used on subsequent projects to improve my effectiveness as a police squad leader. To begin, name is a true leader who exhibits fortitude and dedication. A powerful trait rarely found in the realm of business, courage is unique in its ability to unify and motivate people. Moreover, his courage is equi librate sequesterly with professionalism, strong values, and humility. He is sensitive to others feelings and recognizes that different people require different types of direction and treatment. Although he often works with diverse and difficult groups, he always seems able to reach consensus and create a shared vision and purpose. Furthermore, he excels at establishing priorities and proactively setting direction. As an effective manager, name also is able to repeat his broad direction into discrete, tangible tasks. Since consultants often use difficult or creative analytical approaches, clearly articulating tasks and defining outputs is very important. In addition, he exercises the appropriate level of supervision. Rather than micro-managing his team members, name establishes clear accountabilities and expectations and pushes work down to the correct level. As a result, he creates a strong sense of ownership and leverages the skills of his team members. Furthermore, he excels a t creating a supportive environment and, when necessary, coaching team members to help them develop new skills. Finally, name is a masterful communicator. He is the only project manager I have had who gave me consistent and constructive feedback, importantly, both positive and negative. Such feedback not only provides clear developmental objectives, but also signals to others that he values their contributions. This type of balanced and open communication quickly forms the foundation of mutual trust and respect. Furthermore, name excels in the art of negotiation and debate. He states his points with remarkable precision and is expert at remaining objective and recognizing all sides of an argument.

Assisted suicide :: essays research papers

Assisted suicide is a controversial issue in our society today. We ask the question, should people have the remedy to decide when and how to end their lives? guess a loved star in unbearable pain and knows it is only going to get worst until finally death. What if a loved one came to you and asked you to avail them escape all their pain and suffering. Wouldnt you want to help that loved one if you could? Hazel Blazer suffering from cerebral spinal meningitis that could not be cured is an example. Eugene Bauer suffering from terminal throat cancer, or Clarence Herbert who suffered a heart attack and remained in a coma. There are two places in which terminally laid low(predicate) long-sufferings can be legally assisted in suicide. The Netherlands is one place where assisted suicide is common among terminally ill. The method they use is euthanasia. euthanasia is considered very humane and done very carefully. The family has the right to be there when terminally ill patient is giv en the drugs. The process is totally up to the patient if they want to end their life or not. Another place where assisted suicide is legal is in Oregon. Passed by the voters in 1994 the law enables terminally ill patients to obtain lethal doses of medication if their doctor determines they have less then six months to live. The right to die is illegal in most places, but barely an individual has a constitutional right to request the withdrawal and withholding of medical manipulation even if doing so results in death. The right of a someone to refuse medical treatment is widely practiced and a more accepted way to end ones live in our society. Living wills are one way to refuse medical treatment. These wills are legal documents which state how much treatment a person wants and where to stop. Another way to refuse medical treatment is do-not-resuscitate orders. In which the person states if something would happen they would not want to be resuscitated. The raises an important ques tion, is the request of assistance in dying just an extension of an individual right to control the kind of treatment received when dying? Karen Ann Quinlan suffered a respiratory arrest which left her in permanent vegetative state. The condition left her otiose to breathe without respirator and unable to eat without a feeding tube.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Did The Expansion Of The Aztec Empire Lead To Their Downfall? :: essays research papers

Did the Expansion of the Aztec Empire Lead to Their drop?The Aztec Indians originated from a get in called Aztlan, somewhere innorth or northwest Mexico. At that time the Aztecs were a miserable, nomadic tribeliving in the frame in territory on the margins of civilized Mesoamerica. (see mapI) In the 13th century they settled in the valley of central Mexico. The Aztecsfinally found refuge on a small island in Lake Texcoco, where about 1345, theyfounded the town of Tenochtitlan. The island was found through a prophecy whichsaid they would settle where they found an eagle perched on a cactus. (seediagram I)During the following(a) century the Aztecs grew to be greatest power in Mexico.As they grew in political status they became sophisticated and civilized,learning from established peoples who had been town dwellers for more than 1,000years. (Ekholm, Gordon F.)The Aztec pudding stone consisted of numerous, loosely connected urbancommunities. Land ownership was communal. Each loca l group was composed of afew families that jointly have a install of land. Part of the yield ofcultivated land was given to the state as a kind of tax.Technology depended more on valet skills than on robotic devices.Iron and steel were unknown, although copper and bronze were affaird for tools andMexican jewelers made ornaments from gold, silver, and their alloys. Wheat,barley, cattle, horses, sheep, and goats were unknown until introduced fromEurope and the Mexicans were efficient farmers who made full use of irrigation,terracing, and fertilization of the fields.Aztec Mexico was sizable and civilized. The state controlled every aspectof life. Schooling and training in the martial arts were compulsory for allboys, while the girls were trained in gathering, cooking, and the sewing arts.A centralized bureaucracy looked after the collection and storage of taxes,matters of legislation and punishment. (Peterson, Frederick)Life for the Aztecs was good. Because of the complexity of t heirgovernment all were happy. Then in 1519 Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortes, metthe Aztec leader Montezuma in Tenochtitlan. Montezuma believed that theSpaniards had come in peace, but he is proven wrong in 1521 when the Spanish,lead by Cortes, violently conquered the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.The purpose of this chronicle is to answer the inquire Did the Expansionof the Aztec Empire Lead to Their Downfall ? I feel that it most likely did.This is because when the Aztecs were conquered they were the most powerfulcivilization in the newfangled World. The Spaniards saw them as the ones to beat togain supreme power in the Americas.Did The Expansion Of The Aztec Empire Lead To Their Downfall? essays research papers Did the Expansion of the Aztec Empire Lead to Their Downfall?The Aztec Indians originated from a place called Aztlan, somewhere innorth or northwest Mexico. At that time the Aztecs were a small, nomadic tribeliving in the border territory on the margins of civiliz ed Mesoamerica. (see mapI) In the 13th century they settled in the valley of central Mexico. The Aztecsfinally found refuge on a small island in Lake Texcoco, where about 1345, theyfounded the town of Tenochtitlan. The island was found through a prophecy whichsaid they would settle where they found an eagle perched on a cactus. (seediagram I)During the next century the Aztecs grew to be greatest power in Mexico.As they grew in political status they became sophisticated and civilized,learning from established peoples who had been town dwellers for more than 1,000years. (Ekholm, Gordon F.)The Aztec empire consisted of numerous, loosely connected urbancommunities. Land ownership was communal. Each local group was composed of afew families that jointly owned a piece of land. Part of the yield ofcultivated land was given to the state as a kind of tax.Technology depended more on human skills than on mechanical devices.Iron and steel were unknown, although copper and bronze were used for t ools andMexican jewelers made ornaments from gold, silver, and their alloys. Wheat,barley, cattle, horses, sheep, and goats were unknown until introduced fromEurope and the Mexicans were efficient farmers who made full use of irrigation,terracing, and fertilization of the fields.Aztec Mexico was rich and civilized. The state controlled every aspectof life. Schooling and training in the martial arts were compulsory for allboys, while the girls were trained in gathering, cooking, and the sewing arts.A centralized bureaucracy looked after the collection and storage of taxes,matters of legislation and punishment. (Peterson, Frederick)Life for the Aztecs was good. Because of the complexity of theirgovernment all were happy. Then in 1519 Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortes, metthe Aztec leader Montezuma in Tenochtitlan. Montezuma believed that theSpaniards had come in peace, but he is proven wrong in 1521 when the Spanish,lead by Cortes, violently conquered the Aztec capital of Tenochtitl an.The purpose of this report is to answer the question Did the Expansionof the Aztec Empire Lead to Their Downfall ? I feel that it most likely did.This is because when the Aztecs were conquered they were the most powerfulcivilization in the New World. The Spaniards saw them as the ones to beat togain supreme power in the Americas.

Did The Expansion Of The Aztec Empire Lead To Their Downfall? :: essays research papers

Did the elaboration of the Aztec Empire perish to Their Downfall?The Aztec Indians originated from a place called Aztlan, somewhere in uniting or northwest Mexico. At that time the Aztecs were a small, nomadic tribeliving in the border territory on the margins of civilise Mesoamerica. (see mapI) In the 13th light speed they settled in the valley of central Mexico. The Aztecsfinally found refuge on a small island in Lake Texcoco, where about 1345, theyfounded the townspeople of Tenochtitlan. The island was found through a prophecy whichsaid they would settle where they found an eagle perched on a cactus. (seediagram I)During the next century the Aztecs grew to be superlative power in Mexico.As they grew in political status they became sophisticated and civilized,learning from established peoples who had been town dwellers for more than 1,000years. (Ekholm, Gordon F.)The Aztec empire consisted of numerous, generally connected urbancommunities. Land ownership was communal. Each lo cal group was composed of afew families that jointly owned a piece of land. pause of the yield of polite land was given to the resign as a kind of tax.Technology depended more on human skills than on mechanical devices. press out and steel were unknown, although bulls eye and bronze were used for tools andMexican jewelers made ornaments from gold, silver, and their alloys. Wheat,barley, cattle, horses, sheep, and goats were unknown until introduced fromEurope and the Mexicans were efficient farmers who made full use of irrigation,terracing, and fertilization of the fields.Aztec Mexico was rich and civilized. The state controlled every flavourof life. Schooling and training in the martial arts were compulsory for allboys, while the girls were trained in gathering, cooking, and the sewing arts.A alter bureaucracy looked subsequently the collection and storage of taxes,matters of legislation and punishment. (Peterson, Frederick)Life for the Aztecs was good. Because of the complex ity of theirgovernment all were happy. Then in 1519 Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortes, metthe Aztec leader Montezuma in Tenochtitlan. Montezuma believed that theSpaniards had take after in peace, plainly he is proven wrong in 1521 when the Spanish,lead by Cortes, violently conquered the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.The purpose of this report is to answer the question Did the Expansionof the Aztec Empire Lead to Their Downfall ? I feel that it most likely did.This is because when the Aztecs were conquered they were the most powerfulcivilization in the New World. The Spaniards saw them as the ones to arrive togain supreme power in the Americas.Did The Expansion Of The Aztec Empire Lead To Their Downfall? essays research papers Did the Expansion of the Aztec Empire Lead to Their Downfall?The Aztec Indians originated from a place called Aztlan, somewhere innorth or northwest Mexico. At that time the Aztecs were a small, nomadic tribeliving in the border territory on the margin s of civilized Mesoamerica. (see mapI) In the 13th century they settled in the valley of central Mexico. The Aztecsfinally found refuge on a small island in Lake Texcoco, where about 1345, theyfounded the town of Tenochtitlan. The island was found through a prophecy whichsaid they would settle where they found an eagle perched on a cactus. (seediagram I)During the next century the Aztecs grew to be greatest power in Mexico.As they grew in political status they became sophisticated and civilized,learning from established peoples who had been town dwellers for more than 1,000years. (Ekholm, Gordon F.)The Aztec empire consisted of numerous, loosely connected urbancommunities. Land ownership was communal. Each local group was composed of afew families that jointly owned a piece of land. Part of the yield ofcultivated land was given to the state as a kind of tax.Technology depended more on human skills than on mechanical devices.Iron and steel were unknown, although copper and bronze wer e used for tools andMexican jewelers made ornaments from gold, silver, and their alloys. Wheat,barley, cattle, horses, sheep, and goats were unknown until introduced fromEurope and the Mexicans were efficient farmers who made full use of irrigation,terracing, and fertilization of the fields.Aztec Mexico was rich and civilized. The state controlled every aspectof life. Schooling and training in the martial arts were compulsory for allboys, while the girls were trained in gathering, cooking, and the sewing arts.A centralized bureaucracy looked after the collection and storage of taxes,matters of legislation and punishment. (Peterson, Frederick)Life for the Aztecs was good. Because of the complexity of theirgovernment all were happy. Then in 1519 Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortes, metthe Aztec leader Montezuma in Tenochtitlan. Montezuma believed that theSpaniards had come in peace, but he is proven wrong in 1521 when the Spanish,lead by Cortes, violently conquered the Aztec capital o f Tenochtitlan.The purpose of this report is to answer the question Did the Expansionof the Aztec Empire Lead to Their Downfall ? I feel that it most likely did.This is because when the Aztecs were conquered they were the most powerfulcivilization in the New World. The Spaniards saw them as the ones to beat togain supreme power in the Americas.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Diabetes Demonstrative Speech Outline

DiaPurpose By the end of my speech and demonstration, the audience should be able to bankrupt there own blood sugars and be able to inject themselves with insulin. Introduction Diabetes the silent killer. Doesnt sound very scary does it but dont be fooled. This disease is very deadly. Could you invite yourself engaging in any normal everyday activity, then all the sudden a major organ or organs began to fail and shutting without any warning sign? And the cause is because you have high blood sugars that go unchecked and unregulated for so long it was silently putting extend and damaging your insides.Well forthwith Ill show you how a person with type one diabetes keeps there blood sugars in check. Central Idea Knowing how to check your blood sugars and inject yourself with insulin will help you with your health. Preview A person needs to know how to regulate their blood sugars so they wont rifle anymore ill than they already are. Body Outline I. Checking Blood sugars a. First and foremost you need a Glucose meter and strips. Also if necessary code the meter. b. piece youll need to load you lancet machine or you may have riffle pricks c. thirdly find a testing site on a finger or your lower arm.I personally use my fingers and use an alcohol wipe to clean the area. d. Fourth prick your finger with the lancet and squeeze your finger until you produce a nice drop of blood. Then let the test strip such up the blood and wait for the reading to be displayed on the glucose meter. II. Administering Insulin to yourself a. First youll want pick an injection site with a lot of fat either your stomach, thighs or the back of your arm and clean it with an alcohol wipe. b. bet on youll get your syringe and depending on how many units youll need you draw that much from the bottle.Also make sure there are no bubbles in the tube of the syringe. c. Third inject yourself at the site where you previously cleaned and then after administering the insulin remove the syringe from your body. Make sure youre not bleeding. Conclusion Ive showed you today how to check your blood sugars and record your findings. And Ive also taught/demonstrated how to inject yourself with insulin. And always entertain to clean all testing sites and injection sites. Plus remember to practice safe disposal of all lancets and syringes.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Potential Hazards in Health and Social Care Essay

IntroductionFor this assignment I am going to produce an education agreelet for new employees. at heart this reading booklet I exit be explaining potential hazards and the price that these hazards may arise in health and social c atomic number 18 stagetings. My chosen go user group is the elderly infirm. The working(a)(a) environment in which I get come to the fore be identifying the hazards is a c be residence for the elderly. When working with the elderly it is bring outstanding that you take health and precaution into consideration, this is be father the elderly ar starting to belong finespun and weak, their movements start to become s wiped out(p)er and moving around alone cornerstone be a lot harder and may require the support of round or other aids to get from A to B. This is why it is essential that in that location be no hazards in place which could harm or wee injury to the clients.A hazard is something around you that could cause harm to you. The re atomic number 18 different types of hazards, health hazards ar incidents that could lead to someone getting ill. Safety hazards are incidents which coffin nail lead to someone getting injured and damage to a property or building. Security hazards are all about intruders whom put service users at harm for example, theft of the building, service users cosmos taken without concur and accessing confidential information without any consent. I am going to be explaining hazards from the bellow areas and explaining how they lot be harmful to the service users and roundEnvironmentEquipmentInfectionsSubstancesworks conditionsWorking practiceSecurity systemsEnvironmentalEnvironmental hazards are things within your environment which could cause harm to clients and faculty. Environmental hazards include things such(prenominal) as the temperature of populates, the pollution, objects and galore(postnominal) others.An environmental hazard that could put clients at bump of harm is pitiful lighting within a room. This can affect those elderly clients who pick up brusque vision poor lighting moderates it hard to see when moving around this could lead to someone tripping over and falling, it is besides frustrating for the client and could cause confusion. This hazard could withal put the round at risk of harm to for example if a room is too dim and they are guiding a client around the room and because of the poor lighting they are unaware of the table leg and they thus trip over it, non only ordain they hurt themselves put they are also putting the client at risk to as the client may non be stable luxuriant to stand on their own without any help.It is important that the lighting in all rooms within the distribute dental plate are set the even off way and this is to avoid these unexpected trips and falls, even though they may seem only minor just clients within the main office brace started to become frail and weak and if they shutting up fall ing and tripping over it could really earn a big impact on them.Slips, trips and falls can have a serious impact on the fucks of employees and those universe handled for HSE (04/10/2014) If a clients room is un flashy and is full of clutter on the stratum this can be hazardous to the client because if they get up and move around they could end up falling over the clutter and damaging themselves. It is also a major trip hazard for provide as they could be nerve-racking to get a client out of bed and because of the mess they end up tripping over it they then are at the risk of injury and could then be off from work because of they are injured. It is important that within the rush home no objects are left on the floor, the floors should be clean, they shouldnt be left wet and if they are wet then in that location should be a sign there to support the hazard and this is so that the clients are safe to walk around without the risk of them getting hurt.If the room temperature is set too elevated or too low this can be hazardous to the clients, as they have become older their immune systems have become weaker which means that they can catch illnesses quickly and it is hard for them to maintain their eubstance temperature. If the temperature in a clients room is set on low this could then lead to the client getting a cold and a cough. If the temperature in a clients room is set too high and the client is unaware of it, it can then put the client at risk of becoming dehydrated and may sweat due to their body being over inciteed. In care homes it is important that each room is fitted with central heating this way the temperature of rooms can be manually set to comely the clients needs.EquipmentIn a care home it is important that all equipment is used correctly and safely in order to ensure your clients and ply are not at risk of harm. Hazards from equipment include things such as unsafe coif, poor maintenance, how tidy the place is and many much.In the l iving room of the care home there will be a lot of electrical equipment, it is important that there are no over loaded ensure sockets, if there are any over loading plug sockets then it puts both the clients and the staff at risk of being electrocuted if they touch it. When plug sockets are all together and are live they can get heated up too much, if it is touched then the person could be left with destroy and bruises. Overloading plug sockets can also cause a fire to the home and this incident could lead to death of clients and service users and this why it is important that safe practise is put into consideration. both electrical should be check up on regularly to see if they are still in good working order and still are safe to use. It is important that within the care home there is a regular maintenance check and all this is recorded. This is because if the equipment is not safe to use but is still being used unware by the clients and it puts them at danger as the equipment could blow a fuse and injure them. For example, the kettle in the kitchen was last checked two months ago, within the two months a problem could have occurred without anyone knowing and when someone uses it, it then causes injury tothem. This is why it is important that all electricals are checked regularly to ensure safety.Within the care home where the staff are based there will be computers for staff to sleep with their work on. If the computer is positioned too high this can cause harm to the member of staff who is using the computer as they may be push their neck whilst having to keep looking up at the computer screen. If the member of staff is constantly looking into the computer screen this then can var. their vision and may concentrate from headaches.All used equipment should all be put away and nothing should be blocking any areas of the care home, it is generally important that there is nothing blocking any of the safety exits as this will then put e reallyone in the building at risk when trying to evacuate if the fire alarm has alerted to do so. Especially for the elder clients as there mobility has become slower and it will take clock for them to get out of the building and if for some reason they are blocked they could end up falling over things whilst trying as fast as they can to travel out of the building.A major trip hazard could be wires left on the floor, for example if a member of staff is using the hoover to clean the clients rooms and have gone from one room to the other whilst leaving the wire on the floor anyone who is walking past could be at risk of falling and tripping over the wire. Whether it is a member of staff who is supporting a client around the hall or a client who has poor mobility and is trying to get around and does not see the wire then ends up falling over, this then could lead to them having sprained bones and some may suffer from broken bones.Infections-Whilst working in care scenerys it is important that you t ake infection control into consideration. Not only for the safety of your service users but for your own safety and health to. If infection control is not controlled it can lead to people getting ill and especially in a care home setting like so where elderly adults are they are at risk of quickly catching illness and infections. This is because as they have become oldertheir body has slowly weakened which means that their immune system isnt as strong as before and fighting infections can become harder. Infections acquired in care homes may be serious and, in some cases, life-threatening. These may worsen underlying medical conditions and adversely affect recovery GOV.UK (2013)Within the care home the use of injections are used quiet frequently, it is important that later on the injection has been used it is disposed straightaway in the right area and this is the member of staffs responsibility to do so. If this is not done then the service users and staff are at risk of bacteria b eing spread and also because the injections carry body fluids such as blood, if it is passed on then the body fluids carry infections such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C and HIV. Needles are also perspicacious and can cause injury to the clients and staff users if they are around and not disposed after use.Personal hygiene should be taken into consideration in the care home, staff should be aware of their personal hygiene. They should be washing their detention the right way frequently after touching different things and when working with different client, or the use of hand gel is used a lot this is so germs and viruses are not spread between staff and clients. If they are spread then they are at the risk of catching illnesses and infections.This can affect the staff member as then they would have to take cartridge holder of work for recovery and will affect the client as they will become ill and have to stay in bed and take more medication if needed which may affect their care n eeds. Staff should also be taking the clients personal hygiene needs into consideration and this is because as they have become older they rely more on the staff to do things for them. Staff should be asking the client whether they would like to take a tub or change clothes, this is so they are not spreading germs around the care home and putting other at risk.Substance-Within the care home many different substances are used which are hazardous to the clients and staff if they are used the terms way. In the care home there are many types of substances found from cleaning products tomedication.A very hazardous cleaning substance used in the care home is bleach, if bleach is being use or being used by accident it can cause really bad harm to the person. Bleach is full of chemicals and if it has been drunk can cause burns to the throat and the inside of your stomach is affected. Many elder clients may suffer from dementia and may not understand that it is bleach and may confound it because they think it is a drink. This is why it is important that staff store it in the right place with a lock so that it is only accessed when needed to period this harmful substance from causing harm to any of the clients staff.It is quiet easy within a care home to give the wrong medication out this is because there are many different clients who all take different types of medication. But if medication is swapped around this can cause harm to the clients, each medication is used for its own reason they may have side effects that strongly affect a client which can make them become ill and other side effects that could harm the clients are things such as drowsiness and nausea. Also it can affect them as they may be unware of the dosage use and could end up taking an over dosage.Clients whom suffer from dementia are at high risk of taking an over dose and this is because they forget about when they are supposed to take their medication and how much medication they are supposed t o take. If the wrong medication is took for the wrong illness it can cause other illnesses, such as if someone by accident takes Arthritis tablets they can cause harm to the stomach and stomach ulcers can occur which can effect a persons eating and health.Working Conditions-Working conditions are about the way you work, such as working hours, how many staff work and the relations between staff. All these conditions also have impacts on the clients within the care home.As care assistants working hours can be very long, many care assistants do sidereal day sentence shifts where they will be caring for the clients all day long thenpass on the information to the next night time shift workers when their shift is over. It is important that carers take their own health and wellbeing into consideration. They can become quiet tiered after long hours which do mean their ability to work will change, it will make them make unexpected mistakes and accidents may happen. This then puts the clien ts at danger when they are being cared for, they could end up being given the wrong medication or overdoses can be given.When working in care setting it is important that staff have a good relation with each other, this is because you are caring for other people and looking after venerable adults needs. Staff will need to be able to share information with other staff member revolving the clients, if the right information is not shared then the clients needs are not going to be met the right way which then puts the client in danger of neglect. For example it is coming to the end of the day shift and notes have been made about a certain client which involves information such as when the client last had medication, when the client was last changed etc., it is then the responsibly of the staff to share and explain the information to the next member of staff because if this is not done so, without knowing the next member of staff could go and give the patient a dose of medication not kno wing that they have just had a dose which then again puts the client at risk of a medication overdose and may suffer from harmful side effects.If there is not enough staff on shift the clients are not being able to get their needs met, this is because the shortage of staff means some clients may not be seen to when they need to because the staff members are busy dealing with other clients. Clients are then at risk of accidents as a client could be needing the toilet but because there is not any staff around to take them they end up wetting their selves and some clients may be at danger of falling if they feel they have to get up their self-importance and they may have poor mobility which means they may end up falling when trying to get up and are at risk of breaking bones and being in pain for a long time.Working Practices-Working practises is about the way you do your argumentation and how safely you do themin order to not cause harm to your clients. Working practices include the breeding you have had in certain areas and how you use them skills gained to care for the clients within the home. Some examples of working practices are things such as Manual Handling Training, working with challenging behaviour and preparing foods.It is important that all rules and regulations are followed when working in care settings, if you do not follow rules and regulations not only are you putting clients at risk of harm but you are also putting yourself at risk to. Every member of staff should be aware of the fire regulations and should know what to do if a fire occurs. If staff to do follow the set of rules that have been set for fire procedures they are putting their own lifes and clients lifes at risk, in a care home as the clients are older their mobility may be slow so may need help trying to get out of the building safely, staff should ensure the they are getting the clients are getting out safely and nothing is blocking the exits. If rules are not followed on time a nd the right way then they are at risk of being burnt and getting hurt.In order to care for clients well certain training is needed, such as a Manual Handling. Before any staff member can lift a client they have to be dexterous in Manual Handling. This piece of training makes staff aware of the risks that could occur to both the staff and client if they do not lift clients the right way. If a member of staff goes to lift a heavy patient out of bed without having any training in this they can be putting their self and the client at risk, they could end up dropping the client which will hurt them and may end up getting injured and could also be putting their selves at risk because they could get bad back pains or fracture a bone which means they have to take time of work. So handling people should be taken into consideration at all clock in order to keep people out of danger.All staff need to be trained in preparing food the right way, they need to be aware of the rules and regulati ons that should be followed in the kitchen. They should be aware of things such of transit contamination and this is about the germs being spread from different things, if cross contamination takes place it puts whoever is going to eat the food at risk of being foodpoisoned. Within the kitchen area there should be different coloured chopping boards for different foods, these should be used correctly in order to prevent cross contamination from taking place. Staff should be taking personal hygiene into consideration, ladies should have their hair tied up and a hair net should be worn and this is because hair caries all sorts of bacteria and germs and if it goes in the food it can put people at risk. After touching different foods hands should be washed straightaway so infections are not spread.Security SystemsIn order to keep everyone safe in the care home security department systems have to be put forward. If security systems are put forward it stops intruders from entering the bu ilding. Within care homes at the front is a locked accession this stops unexpected visitors from entering the building and stops clients from leaving the building without any consent. Usually there is a signing in and out book so staff are aware if who is in the building and who isnt. If intruders do enter the building it puts clients at risk of being abducted.Personal and important information is held within the care home which is all confidential, this shouldnt be accessed when not needed and should only be accessed by the right people. If information is accessed by an intruder this is wrong and shouldnt be happening because all clients have a right to confidentiality. If this sort of information is stored on the computer then there should be a high security password that only certain people know otherwise if the information is stored in files then the cabinet should have a lock on it to stop unauthorised people getting to it.Other security systems should be put into place within the care home such as windows which do not open fully, if a window does open fully then clients are at risk of falling especially if it is upstairs. They will then be at risk of suffering major or minor head injuries.Before staff are allowed to work in the care setting it is important they carry out a DBS check which checks to see if they have had any previous criminal offenses. If this check is not carried out and staff whom have beenpreviously convictions are working with clients are putting the clients at risk of abuse, or harm as they are vulnerable and may not understand. That is why it is important that appropriate staff are looking after the clients in order to keep all clients safe at all times whilst they are living in the care home.Conclusion-In order for the above hazards talked about in this booklet not to occur in the care home for the elderly infirm. I think that it is very important that before anything risk assessments should be carried out to look for all the poten tial hazards which could cause harm to the clients and staff in this environment.If the hazards are looked at beforehand control measures can be put into place which could stop the hazard from occurring. This way the clients will get to live within a safe environment without being at risk. Staff will be able to work and deliver their care in a safe environment to the clients. Also when the care home is under inspection they will be given a good reputation which mean staff will get to keep their jobs and clients can live securely in the care home.BibliographyHSE (2014). Slips and trips in Health and Social Care. (04/10/14) GOV.UK (2014). What are risks? The effects of heat on health. (04/10/14) GOV.UK (2013) Infection Prevention And Control In Care Homes. (04/10/14) NHS Professionals (2010) Standard Infection Control Precautions. (04/10/14) (04/10/14)Moonie, N. (2010). BTEC Level 3 national health and social care. LondonEdexcel

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Human Resource Info Systems Essay

Training is a very important part of the human resources department. Training is a big part of human resources for a couple important reasons. Some of the reasons that grooming is important are training financial aids develop optimism in the trainee, more job skills and knowledge are obtain from training, training helps the trainee to feel more comfortable with the employees they bequeath be working with, and training also helps the trainee learn how to be better organized with the activities the job requires from them.If training wasnt provided for them untried employees coming into the work field would be confused when they started working and this could cause them to have low self-esteem and want to get up on their job because of the lack of communication and ability to provide great quality of work. The HRIS I have chosen is training. The training system will provide the new employees with an online training computer programme which will help them train themselves.This trai ning system will consist of a video explaining their job tasks, and certain test that will test their previous knowledge and help the HR manger give every new employee individual training activities after they have been tested. The training program will consist of real life scenarios that will help them figure out how to deal with situations that have occurred before to other employees. I was searching for a couple of vendors and found two of them that caught my attention.One would be Datamaticsinc. http//www. datamaticsinc. com/ Datamatics Management Services, Inc. delivers automated time and attendance software systems and workforce management services that will help stronghold Family Restaurant control payroll costs and maximize productivity. These systems improve employee tracking, scheduling, absence management, job costing and labor analytics. And another I had found was trainer active http//www. fenman. co. uk/traineractive/about/index. hp where their massive Training Activ ity Portal allows them to build their testify unique collection of ready-made trainer-laced trinities or tailor their own training programmer, supposedly saving up to 80% of the course preparation time. Now looking at both of these I decided to choose the inaugural one which is Datamaticsinc because they provide a way better software in my opinion. Since Im planning to have on person in depend upon of one of distributively restaurant I will need to train that person. Training has a big impact on a company.I retrieve that Castle Family Restaurant will benefit from having this training online system. Jay Morgan is having trouble running all restaurant locations. Jay Morgan is trying to reduce as much traveling to each restaurant location as possible and having this online training system will his employees to get train well for each restaurant location. This program will give employees the skills to better run the restaurant and have more knowledge of the tasks needed from them a nd will also help Jay Morgan conserve time and decrease each Castle Family Restaurant location.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Downfall from Arrogance

Downfall from Arrogance The Crucible Is a peculiar name to put for a play. In literal meaning, a melting pot Is a special pot In which you put materials In. The pot then goes In the fire, and you end up melting the contents, but non the pot itself. The track Miller named his play as The Crucible is what literary experts call symbolism. Arthur Millers basic purpose of writing this play was to signify that people react to situations in many dfferent ways. In that same way, he symbolizes the attributes of each character as well.In this play, The Crucible, the character Reverend Parriss consistent presumption conveys the uthors message that before anything else, people allow for continuously tend to c ar for themselves. Reverend Parriss personality trait female genitalia be examined through chronological order from Act 1 to Act 4. Who was Reverend Parris? As described in Act 1, Parris is the head of the church of the town, and he is considered a respectable person. In his mid-fort ies, he has already lost his wife, and has a daughter named Betty. In Act 1, Reverend Parris plays a dominant role, along with his arrogance and pride.At the beginning of this act, when Betty is on the bed lying what seems to be nconscious, Reverend Parris tells Thomas Putnam, leap not to The people wanted to call In Reverend Hale, the towns expert on witchcraft, to examine Betty and find out what had been going on. Parris, through his arrogance, decided that it would not be a good idea to call in Hale because if Betty were to be announced as a witch, it could ruin his name, since she was his daughter. Just to save his name of cosmos the head preacher of the town, he persisted on not calling in Reverend Hale.Parrs, along with his undermining arrogance, created a saddening effect on the the town. He Is the main pastor, and so when people hear things from him, they tend to believe him. All that he did was not to keep the people of the ton away from evil. He did what he did so he wo uld hear what he wanted to hear. He wanted to hear that he would not lose his specify. Eventually, he did give in and towards the end of Act 1, they do call in Hale. Parris was not at all present in Act 2 directly, although he was in fact mentioned once when they talked about a book in which he kept a record of all the people present on Sabbath Day.Throughout the whole act, however, there was ot a single pattern where his arrogance took an effect on any of the people. In Act 3, however, his arrogance plays a crucial role. When Danforth is talking to John Proctor and Abigail, he decides to step in and say to Danforth that this is a trick to blind the court (107). He does this again to protect his own name because he does not want Danforth to believe what bloody shame Warren is saying. During the trial, he asks Mary Warren to faint in front of all the people, falsely. The reason for his demand is because he Is grasping for evidence to prove that Abigail and the girls are not guilty .Parris has a convincing effect on Danforth throughout the whole of the trial because he is trying to protect Abigail, and Danforth has come to a point where he cannot go back. Danforths own arrogant nature wont let him reconsider his decisions. Since Abigail has already been proven innocent, Danforth literally wont listen to new evidence unless some fanciful logic occurs. Once Elizabeth comes to the trial, Parris Is even more Olstraugnt He tnlnKs tnat EllzaDetn wlll agree wit n Proctor aoout tne adultery he committed, and thus ruin his name for sheltering an adulterer. Ironically, that does not happen.Elizabeth, who Just wanted to save her husbands name, said that Proctor did not commit adultery. All this while, she knew that he did. At the end of Act 3, we can see that Parriss arrogance and prideful nature is helping him to get through another round of impulsive evidence put indirectly against him, that could have again hurt his position in Salem. Act 4 is the last act of the pla y, and in this act, everything changes. Parris comes running to the Jail, where he tells Danforth that Abigail has vanished, along with all of his money. He asked Betty, who told him that they girls were talking about some ships.Within the lines, we can interpret that Abigail disappeared by riding off on a boat. Parriss view of the whole situation changes, because he then realizes that he made a scratch up mistake by blaming innocents. He pleads to Danforth to postpone execution and to free the accused, but Danforth, again with his pride that he never failed to make the right decision, decides that he will not reconsider his decision. When Proctor tears up the paper that could have saved his life, Parris looks unto him in utter astonishment. If Parris was in such a situation, he would credibly live with the shame, although his arrogance might ake him suffer.That happens when he realized that people are turning against him. He fears that there will be riot here (127). He completely breaks down in front of Danforth after he recounts the knife incident. In conclusion, Parris signifies many different characteristics, but his most important trait being his arrogance, and it affected him negatively. This essay analyzed this trait through the chronological order of acts, from Act 1 to Act 4. He may have gotten through with his arrogance by directing people to love him and keep him in his position, but when the people

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Additionally, the Triple Entente expended around 1 00 million pounds and est. mated about 225 million during the year of the war (Doc C). The two alliances spent a large ammo nut on their militia for several reasons. Foremost, if one country use money to make thee r military power erupts others, the neighboring provisions felt compelled to do the same, an d perhaps even exceed the surrounding nations in order to not become underdeveloped com pared to the rest.For example, Below of Germany announced that, We dont ever want to become the slaves of humanity. (Doc D) Moreover, as the countries with more powerful militaries became increasingly more dominant, small countries, such as Germany, were forced to make a decision to become a hammer or an anvil (Doc D) and soon focused on beef up g their defense and opposing British power, all of which they could not do without multiplying mill tart costs (Doc C).This alarmed the largest countries and due to the fact that they possessed a pro mpt force and a stock of arms, the leaders refused to seek more a more reasonable late ruminative in favor of Anonymous. Militarism. Dictionary. Com, 2014. Web, 14 Deck 2014. Http//en. Wisped. Org/wick/Militarism war. By the time World War I began in 1914, all of Europe was modernized an d troops fully prepared as a result Of the armaments race and militarism.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Mormon religion strengths and weakness Essay

The Mormon religious belief was initially recognized as Church of Jesus Christ and is a restoration of the earlier church building that had been found by Jesus. According to the facts article, there be around 14 million Mormon followers and do meet in roughly 30, 000 congregations globally. It was naturalised by Joseph Smith in the year 1830 in USA. It teaches that Christianity is apostate and actually God had raised Joseph Smith to be a prophet in suppose to restore Christianity. They bank that the use of the bible is not enough to reveal what we ought to know and believe that all the revelations that were discovered by Smith were scriptures.They humble their organisation of righteousness on doctrines as well as covenant books. Mormonism does teach that there was a time that God was actually a man hence, man may champion day become God. It is therefore imperative to have a limelight on the strengths and weakness of the Mormon faith. According to the Mormon religion articl e, superstar of the weaknesses in this religion is that most of Josephs prophesies never come to pass. Thus most people argue that he was not really a prophet of God. In 1891, Joseph alleged that before he attains 85 years, Jesus Christ would come back.He however did not reach the age of 85 since he got murdered in the year 1844. Jesus Christ did not return. He had false prophesies. For example, he prophesied in the year 1832, that the USA civil war, that the British would be involved and it would extend globally. He also prophesied on governments demise at Missouri because he was displeased with the government exactly it never came to be. Smith just revealed on what a false prophet he really was. One of its strengths is that it appears good to people who have no conceit of the scriptures.They have a well organized as well as large amounts of money for backing it. They hardly teach their weird beliefs until later when one gets baptized. The religion is weak as far as scripture ba se is concerned. The prospective Mormons are usually persuaded to worship God and ask if Mormons book is really true. They are encouraged by being told that the reply will come via burning sensation coming from their bosom. However, most of them do not even b some other to have a look at this book. Mormons do not follow the scriptures of their book thus rendering the religion weak.Mormon religion promotes discrimination. It teaches that the beings which fought valiantly for God had come to the earth as the whites and those who did not fight were blacks. Therefore, for many years the blacks could not be appointed as priests in the Mormon religion and worship transcription (Michael, 2006). Joseph Smith believed that the Negroes were inferior in the society and also believed that if the black people would be treated in the same style as others they would prove to be more productive, intelligent and prosperous.This has led to so much controversy rendering the religion to be racist. Th e church also pleader for polygamy. Though they may have some strange doctrines they have some strengths too as far as the religion is concerned. Members of the Mormon religion are better than other religions as far as sustaining of the marriage culture is concerned (Maggie, 2007). They usually do this through participating successfully and fully in the modern life. Approximately 77% of teenagers aged between 13 and 17 condemn fornication and support sex only for the married people (Maggie, 2007).They believe that sex before marriage is wrong and its pleasurable if saved only for marriage. The Mormon members are unlikely to have children out of wedlock (Maggie, 2007). Also their other strength is that they believe in an evidentiary faith. They believe that people can go to God and receive some answers that they need and this essentially is the ground base of religion. The weakness in this base is that, if the followers do not succeed after praying, they end up leaving the church si nce most of them do it for licence purposes.According to the advantages of Mormonism article, the strength of Mormonism is that it is usually open as far as history and science is concerned as compared to the conservative evangelicalism. However, most of the vital elements of this religion are not proven scientifically and their book is hard to explain. Also the Mormon religion is so much centered scientifically thus does not solve most of the theological problems. When it comes to practical religions, Mormons are better than most. They have welfare system that takes care of their fellow colleagues and do practice fellowship.Their welfare system does focus mostly on social passings, health matters and issues to do with infrastructure. The Mormon Church has a weakness since it does not make it very easy for its members to in conclusion leave the church (Richard, 2009). It usually knows better than the members know and usually protects one against them. This is a weakness since eve rybody has the freedom to worship. In the US and other democratic unions one is guaranteed the freedom of religion and association. Whether or not the Mormon is a religion that can be relied on or not, that is not the main issue.The main issue is that it has both flaws as well as strengths and it is up to the people to decide whether to be involved in it or not. Works Cited Advantages of Mormonism. Mormon metaphysics and theology. (2007). Retrieved 20, May, 2010

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Why I need a degree in Christian ministry

I am a devoted Christian with a calling to operate human kind so as to convert as many people as possible to Christianity. For me, nothing makes more sense that preaching the boy of God. Although I believe that Christianity is a matter of spirituality and the Holy Spirit is largely responsible for teaching Christians and especially preacher mans and ministers the forge, I appreciate the role of study the Christian ministry.With an increasingly elitist society, more people turning lukewarm to the word of God, with an increasingly rebellious youth and society, it is the high time that Christian ministers changed their approach in preaching and teaching the word of God so as to address the emerging situation.Preaching the word of God today is contrasting from what it used to be in the past three decades or so. The preaching of the word of God requires a combination of spiritual knowledge and formal knowledge acquired through studies.A make out of contemporaneous issues affecting todays churches much(prenominal)(prenominal) as high rate of divorce and infidelity even amongst Christians is a cause for worry. Even amongst the top address of churches, Christian leaders are often differing in the open on or so issue affecting the society something which is threatening to tear apart the church. at that place is a need for church leaders to be equipped with leadership skills these are only attainable through further studies.An issue such as the accommodation of homosexuals in the church is an example of an emerging challenge for the church leadership. To handle the fresh challenges, a quality education and training in the word of God is very fundamental. Leading the church today needs managerial qualities as much as the spiritual issues.Studying a degree in Christian ministry combines teachings of the bible with other contemporary issues such as leadership. A degree in Christian ministry is ideal for a church minister in that, a sense of management skills a s well as leadership skills has bring a necessity in the management of modern institutions.For me a chance to give chase a degree in Christian ministry will grant me the opportunity to gain the management and leadership skills. These management skills gained in education helps a lot in the management of churches some of which are big enough and have congregations of tens of thousands with a network stretching many countries.I am already a Christian and I really need the training given the fact that I am planting a church in Haiti, a foreign country, with different culture from mine and under a totally different environment. I need a combination of skills so as to be able to lead the new church into prosperity. In preaching, it has become very important for the preachers to balance the sermons in order to meet the diverse needs of the congregation. For instance, there could be some members of the congregation who are faced with parenting problems, others who are faced with financia l challenges and others could be faced with marriage problems.The congregations look up to the ministers for hope, inspiration and for assurance. To meet the needs such as those mentioned above, preachers must be competent in such matters. This requires training and for me the need for a degree in Christian ministry.Additionally, it has become very important for preachers to change the approach in missions. For example, taking the example of nations where Christianity has not yet reached everybody or is faced with stiff opposition, there is a need for preachers to use the pro approach. For instance, there are countries whereby a Christian teacher can not be allowed to preach.If one is trained and they have a degree, such a preacher can go into that country not necessarily as a preacher but an employee of non-profit making organizations.Once already in the areas where preaching is forbidden, it is very casual to preach in a work station. Therefore a degree in the Christian ministry allows an individual to fit in many situations where the services of a minister are needed.A lot of scholarly materials have been discovered in the course of time which has served to fortify the belief and faith of Christians. The best place to mark about historical discoveries on Christian issues is in the university.A degree in Christian ministry gives the student good background knowledge on topics surrounding the church, which become very useful in the conversion process whereby converts may question some teachings. For preachers who have been through the university, they are better placed to solve such issues.ConclusionI am a devoted Christian, a Sunday school teacher and a traveling missionary with an aim of reaching the unreached and delivering the good intelligence agency to those who have not has the wonderful opportunity. I really would love to pursue a degree in Christian ministry if I am granted the opportunity.ReferencesBarkley, Nella, and Sandburg, E. (1995). takin g Charge of Your Career. New York Workman

Monday, May 20, 2019

Lamp at Noon & the Pursuit of Happyness Essay

The film The actualizeking of Hapyness is in many ways very relatable to the short story The Lamp at Noon. The two be closely related as they before share similar overall themes. The Pursuit of Hapyness greatly demonstrates the themes of fealty to personal goals and the effects of adversity on the human spirit. This film follows the life of a man and his family as they struggle through with(predicate) everyday conflicts. These conflicts vary from trying to pay rent to getting food on the table for dinner. Chris Gardener, the protagonist in the film is eventually forced on the streets with his son Christopher while the mother, Linda, leaves to new-fangled York. Chris is faced with great conflict as he is pursuing a job as a stockbroker but must complete a non-paying internship first while trying to take care of Christopher. However, Chris is commit to his personal goals and pushes through the excessive amount of adversity he is faced with. The film is connected to the The Lamp at Noon for various reasons. The Lamp at Noon briefly follows the life of Paul, Ellen and their very young baby as they are faced with severe adversity. Their hardships come from a storm that has destroyed there crops that leads to a pitiful relationship between the two. The theme of the effects of adversity on the human spirit is shown in The Lamp at Noon through several ways. Firstly, it leads to Paul and Ellen to become miserable and unable to come to mutual decisions. Additionally, Ellen is not able to handle the adversity and attempts to run away from the farm, which leads to the death of her baby. Given these points, one can see how both the film The Pursuit of Happyness and the short story The Lamp at Noon are related through the common theme of the effects of adversity on the human spirit.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Eight Elvises Essay

Following the times of the middle 1950s Abstract Expressionism sparked an interestingness for Andy Warhol, and during the 60s Andy, and Roy Lichtenstein created a new realism of America. This new realism was call(a)ed Pop Art which express daily liveness in America as it was world lived. Warhol was born in 1928 as Andy Warhola, he grew up with a curiosity in commercials, and after a genuinely successful life he became the main figure associated with Pop Art.His dodge is some of the most well kn receive art of all time, and he is considered one of the best artists of all time, his greatest painting was done on canvas in 1963 called the eighter from Decatur demigodes and is worth one hundred million dollars, which this amount is in the likes of Jackson Pollock, and Pablo Picassos clip. Andy Warhol has some(prenominal) accomplishments during his life, and he was inspired by many different people and things. His talent led him to many opportunities including movies and artwork. growing up Warhol was diagnosed with chorea which is a disease of the nervous system that causes movements that are involuntary. This disease is correlated with reddish fever, causing Andy to grow up primarily bed-ridden, and this is where he listened to the radio and collected pictures of movie stars which helped him gain his own personality and attributes. aft(prenominal) his struggle he spent his time at Carnegie School of Fine humanities Institute in Pittsburgh, he studied hard and showed his artistic capability early enchantment he studied commercial art.Warhol was quickly offered a position in tonic York drawing advertisements for a fit out company. This is where his whimsical colors started to be portrayed in his drawings of those shoes. While working with the shoe company he was recruited to illustrate the vinyl album covers for band by record labels who at the time were booming with tuneful talent. In 1952, while Warhol was doing shoe art he was also doing his own ar t on the side. He wanted to show his early work to the public, so after pitching his idea he got his start-off art show in New York at the Hugo Gallery.All of his works during these times are very interesting to me, because he used his art to represented life as it was in America each day. Warhol took these everyday things as simple as Campbells soup cans, or Coke Cans and turned them into monolithic items in Americas life. These items sell over 3 million products a day these companies should be thanking Andy for making their business boom Worldwide. Warhol stated You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you distinguish that the President drinks Coca-Cola, Liz Taylor drinks Coca-cola, and just think, you can drink Coca-Cola, too (Art).This art of the soups and cokes form analytic lines the right smart he stacks cans precisely and mathematically as he draws, which dumbfounds extreme precision and measurement on his break away to make sure that everything is straight and pe rfect. After these paintings were produced, Warhol began getting very well known in the New York art orb. This art led him to moving on to what was called The Factory where many creative minds ranging from actors, writers, musicians, and other artists would downslope by and lend their inspiration.The Factory is where Andy let his ability shine, he decided to get rid of a difference between high and low art, and make known that art can be be anywhere. High art being art that has history and low art being art that has no history, but Andy wanted to clear high and low all together. Warhol liked the factory because it had a dotty atmosphere that fit his life style. He produced all of his work during the time at factory while he was working there.Including in 1963 piece that had the most impact on me which was the silkscreen painting Eight Elvises because the unusual thing about this silkscreen is that it is unique. Warhol had many other silkscreens that were produced sometimes in th e hundreds, and Warhol only made one Eight Elvises. This 12 ft canvas shows from left hand to right Elvis in cowboy attire with his gun drawn in his right hand with seven buy up images on the left of his body finishing off with a full body view with left hand in sight as his body fades away. Warhol was known as a primary ocular artist and this art is an example of that.Silkscreen is a stencil method of fall guymaking in which a construct is imposed on a screen of silk or other fine mesh, with blank areas coated with an impervious substance, and ink is forced finished the mesh onto the printing surface. Warhol did not bother to clean up the imperfections of the print including slips of the screen, uneven inkings of the roller, and general graininess. I believe that this artwork and the artists represent America because Warhol used American icons much(prenominal) as items and faces to secure a place for these in history.For these reasons this is why I have chosen this artwork. I like that he used a popular person Elvis and put his pop art twist on him turning him into eight western Elvises ready to draw his weapon, I think this heart and soul that he is a dependable hero for America to lean on. Warhol uses high and low art through his artwork giving it a desirable product. During the sixties his art was very distinct and powerful which in turn Warhol gained mass popularity, and people that had known him had been driven away from him due to his success.In 1968 a woman that worked for Warhol on occasion found him and shot him in the conduct, stating that He had to much control over my life (Art). He survived the gunshot, but was injured horribly and was required to wear a bandage on his stomach for the rest of his life. After this incident Warhol returned to the art world creating some more of my favorite art because of the way that he uses colors on the faces of American icons such as Marilyn Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. JFK, even Jimmy Carter, Mick Jagger, an d Elvis. After the assassination attempt he also began publishing a magazine called Interview which is still published today.This magazine was dubbed as The Crystal Ball of Pop (Interview. com) due to Warhols style of running the magazine, Andy would take pictures of famous people or items and by adding his color schemes he would make the entire magazine expect like his art. A portion of this magazine is still dedicated to Andys style of work. His hard work ethic led him to many art shows getting his work extensively in museums and galleries around the world until he died during a gall bladder procedure that was deemed a safe procedure.His work of almost cardinal years has secured his position as one of the most influential talents of all time, and one of the greatest artists in the world. Warhol grew up with tough conditions leading to his confused life and very awkward personality type, these factors contributed to his choice of being a homosexual and his ambition of wanting to only make rich people richer by displace their pictures in the art world for more people to look at this is why he did so many self portraits. He wanted everyone to remember what he did and to this day I would say he made a big impact.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Dangers of Drugs

There are many persuasive arguments you can give to convince middle school students not start using medicines. One argument is the pain you would put your family through. not solo is it unplayful to using the drugs, it is also very dangerous to be around the people that trade the drugs. One of the best arguments I could give it the very harmful affects that the drug does to your remains. There are eternal arguments that you could give to students not to buy and use drugs entirely I believe those are the best arguments. apply drugs are very dangerous to not only you but your family too.When people start using drugs, they do not think about the pain and suffrage that your family will bring to go through. Your family will have to go through the ch allenge of overcoming your addiction with you, which will put a strain on your race with them. It would be very hard for your mother or father to see you using a dangerous drug. Not only will it affect you but it will affect the peop le that you love most. When psyche said drugs they only think about using them. They do not think about the super dangerous people that you have to be around to get the drugs.These types of people are not nice, and could blemish you. These people have probably committed crimes and have been in prison. There is so much much to the word drug than people think about, such as the people you have to be associated with. The kickoff time that you use a drug nobody thinks that they will be addicted to it. When addiction takes rump you have to use the drug everyday, even multiple times a day. After using the drug for so long is does major damage to your lunges, mouth, skin, liver, kidneys, and even your facial features. These are major parts of the body and most are replicable.Using drugs after awhile will eventually kill you. After learning that all those things that take into account when using drugs- would you ever try them? After hearing three great arguments on why not to use drug s, I believe those three are the best. Using drugs not only affects you but also your loved ones too. Being around those types of people are potentially dangerous. Last but not least, the dangerous affects that the drugs could do to your body. No one deserves a life of addiction so I hope that you have learned something and will never touch a dangerous drug.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Practical Report and Article analysis Essay

The obligate focuses on childrens perceptions of medicament by Radiohead who are known for being a depressive mess exactly others articulate creative geniuses. If the media changes trends and perceptions indeed what transaction git one bands songs have on an individual. Those social stimuli that are the products of the demeanor of other people essentially constitute culture. As stated by Segall, culture relates to perception and inductance of this can depend on age, wealth and country. The children, aged ten years old from California, USA listened to Radiohead tracks and then drew their impression of the songs showing what perceptions were created from the stimuli.The children requested Sean Paul instead but were told to listen to Radiohead so obligate compliance (Festinger and Carlsmith) whitethorn have caused them to cognitively switch off and draw anything which is why pictures such as Aliens, church organs and McDonalds fries were created. The negativity of the situati on by not being allowed their symphony may have caused dissonance as the children try to make sense of the consequences and the outcome on their arousal take (Cooper and Fazio.)These children were used as they are the best way to get honest reactions close to a band which already has strong opinions formed about them due to media coverage. But the children may not have precious to get the answer wrong so helping behaviour, echolalia, and self-fulfilling prophecy were used by copying their inhabit the girl next to him starts to copy to try to get the answer the teacher wants. The social psychology here demonstrates how behaviours are reflected on to other people who then start to show the same feelings through consistence linguistic communication, the hold your head in your hands look is extremely popular. A psychological concept for this can be the attribution theory (Fiske and Tayler) where a typical behaviour is acknowledged so then appears agreeable to perform the same w ay.Identify some psychological evidence that applies to the source?The psycholinguistics of the relationship between language and mind was displayed in this article. Morton says that logogens (key words) can trigger associations or create connecting ideas, one picture shows it is raining, based on the lyric come on rain down on me, this child then thought about what he does when it rains (stays inside his house watching the rain was the basis of this picture) so ideas have been created from a a few(prenominal) lyrics. Many of the songs referred to negative feelings for example Youd kill yourself for recognition. so these may have affected the drawings.Savan investigated the effect music had on disruptive children. She started to play Mozart during science lessons over five months for an hour each day. The bio-physiologic effect of this music caused lower blood pressure and pulse rate whilst the childrens behaviour and concentration improved. It is believed the music change magnitu de endorphin production, reduced corticosteroirds and adrenalin so metabolism slowed and co-ordination improved so biologically music is positive.This was calming music whereas Radiohead caused images of death (and ice cream.) Reports are appearing within media about the effect various music is having on people and there is a rise in cases of depression and suicide, at the same time much young people are listening to radio stations such as Classic FM especially around exams because it is calming. Some studies such as Savans show the biophysical effects that music has but it would be a good contrast is this was done again using music such as heavy metal to see what changes occur within students.Schachter says there is a relationship between physiological arousal and emotion caused by external stimulus, like Savons study that found classical music calmed down pupils perhaps Radioheads lyrics make children feel frustrated and upset. The children all showed physical effects including omit of movement and a reduction in facial expressions when the music was played as stated by Schachter that physical effects such as faster heart rate occur from stimulus, an example could be clubbing music makes people move quickly whereas Radiohead slowly paces along and may make the children more socially aware.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Abortion: Bad decision

Bad last Oh Its really very bad Well, its the bad mistake that I had in my life I know that everyone can make mistakes in his life, or had bad decisions, did you? For me, yes. I had one mistake in my life its still the worst decision that I had made it in my life when I decided to come hither to U. S. Before approach path to U. S I had to take some actions. First of all, I took several actions in my studies. I build been doing my master in criminal Moroccan law at the university in Casablanca, morocco. Through I got my visa immigration to U.S. so, I stopped to complete my studies, and I took all my papers out of the university, because I vox populi that I will need then here in U. S. also, I visited my university for the last time, and I spent the whole day at it, where I bid farewell all my friends essay writer hub. Second, I took actions in my job, because I had a job when I was in my country. So, I resign from the job, and it was really laboured time for me when I bid farew ell my colleagues at work. After that, I tried to save silver to save coin to buy the flight ticket, and immigration fees tc. so, I spent a lot of money to approach shot here in U. S. after I bid farewell my parents and my brothers, I took the plan to U. S. The world-class few weeks, I feel that lifestyle is different, then I knew that my life was already changed since I arrived here in U. S. the first gear thing that I do it when I stay here, I tried to image the people, and adapted with this new life. But, it was difficult, and I realized that it going to be hard for me, because it was really hard to let on a job in U.S. I mean here a job as I had in my country because you should to start from zero, and the lifestyle its very difficult, too. Also, I tried to start my studies again, only when it was impossible here because I study Moroccan law Also, I have to start from first step because my major it was Moroccan law and the U. S law is different. Also, I need to learn Engl ish, too. Actually, coming to U. S. A is stilling the worst decision that I have ever in made it in my life.

Women's rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Wo manpowers rights - Essay ExampleAmerican Slavery. American women.( Fuller, 123). The previous year has seen movement in the Rhode Island council, to secure wedded ladies rights over their own special(a) property, where men demonstrated that a next to no examination of the subject could show them. To a smashing extent acknowledged, composed by a lady, instigated, it is said, by glaring wrong to a recognized companion, having indicated the imperfections in the existing laws, and the state of estimation from which they spring and a reply from the loved old man, J. Q. Adams, in a few regards the Phocion of his time, to a location made him by a few women. These indications of the times have kaput(p) under perspective inadvertently one who looks for, may, every month or week, gather more.The various gatherings, whose slants be now marked and balanced an excessive amount to their brain to concede to any new light, strive, by addresses on some model lady of spouse like magnificence an d tenderness, by composing and lending little arrangements, expected to check out with exactness the breaking points of Womans circle, and Womans mission, to anticipate other than the legitimate sheepman from climbing the divider, or the group from utilizing any opportunity to wander off.A high apex, or in any event a cathedral spire, might be attractive. It may well be an abolitionism society that argues for Woman, on the off chance that we think about only that she doesnt hold property on like terms with men so that, if a spouse bites the dust without making a will, the wife, as unconnected to taking immediately his spot as leader of the family, inherits just a piece of his fortune, regularly brought him single-handed from anyone else, as though she were a tyke, or ward just, not an equivalent accomplice.The degenerate and unmoving men live upon the profit of enterprising wives or if the wives abandon them, and bring with them the youngsters, to

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Sicily Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sicily - Research Paper Example trance being a highly-developed cultural nation, Sicily represents an agricultural type of economy. It specializes mainly on exporting orange and lemon. Moreover, the beautiful orchards of Sicily attract many tourists mainly to the rural regions. There are also places of great historical interest such as Necropolis of Pantalica and Valley of the Temples. Excavations keep going on the island bringing extinct new evidence from history.The Sicilian people are honored to be citizens of the islands, though they identify themselves as Italians but not Sicilians. Despite the existence of major cities such as Palermo, Catania, Messina and Syracuse, popular stereotypes of Sicilians commonly intimate to ruralism, for example the coppola is one of the main symbols of Sicilian identity it is derived from the flat cap of rural Northern England, which arrived in 1800, when Bourbon king Ferdinant I had fled to Sicily and was protected by the British Navy. (Spadi 2001)The majority of Sicilians have two indwelling languages Italian and Sicilian. Despite the relative balance between these two languages, Italian has the dominant position - it is til now taught at Universities and in schools as the language of mass media. Sicilian is mainly used by early days in every-day life.Speaking about religion it is necessary to point out that Roman Catholicism is astray spread on Sicily. The church weddings are even more popular than civil ceremonies and people commonly visit church at least once a week. Jewish people, who appeared on Sicily 1,400 years ago, have got the second place in religion. The third place belongs to Islamic faith since many Arabs came to Sicily in the nineteenth century. And the minorities are represented by Eastern Orthodoxy, Evangelist Church and Sikhism.When it comes to national cuisine it should be mentioned that this island is called beau ideals kitchen. The reason for this is the abundant amount of wines, pizzas and o ther meals that originated on Sicily and have

Monday, May 13, 2019

McDonalds in Kazakhstan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

McDonalds in Kazakhstan - experiment ExampleMcDonalds generates revenues through high society operated restaurants and franchisee restaurants. Of a total of over 31,000 restaurants, over 8000 are operated by the caller and over 18,000 are operated by franchisees. The remaining restaurants are operated by affiliates. The companys revenue comprises sales from company operated restaurants and fees as well as rent from franchisees and affiliates.Under the franchise arrangement, the franchisees invest in the equipment, signage, seating and dcor, while the company owns or leases the land and building. Franchisees pay the company service fees and rent for premises. Service fees are set as a dower of sales, while rent and opposite terms of occupancy are stipulated in the franchise agreement, which is drawn for a period of 20 years. The company and its franchisees as well as affiliates purchase food, packaging, equipment and other goods from approved suppliers. The company maintains qua lity standards through assurance labs around the world. A quality assurance board, including the companys technical, guard and supply chain specialists, provides guidance on all aspects of food quality and safety.The McDonalds business model is or so different from that of most other fast food chains. In addition to ordinary franchise fees, supplies and percentage of sales, McDonalds also collects rent. As a condition of the franchise agreement, McDonalds owns most properties. Since rent is a fee that is not linked to sales, this practice allows McDonalds more control over its franchisees (Rumbelow, 1 February 2001).As the worlds largest fast food company, McDonalds was the come out of criticism on many grounds over the review period. It has been accused of the exploitation of entry-level workers and ecological terms caused by agricultural production and industrial processing of its products with high levels of packaging waste. Critics claim it sells unhealthy or non-nutritious food with exploitative advertising targeted at children and contributes to the suffering and exploitation of livestock. McDonalds has also been criticised for its litigious and heavy-handed fire to preserving its image and copyrights. Consequently, McDonalds recorded its first ever global loss in the last quarter of 2002 and in Europe sales plunged 3.8% in January 2003. To combat this, McDonalds underwent a fundamental revolution in its approach to menus, marketing and consumers in 2003. In the UK, McDonalds is improving its standards and continued to work with government and health officials to investigate improvements (Euromonitor, 29 November 2005).On the other hand, Kazakhstan is a relatively new nation as it gained independence from Soviet Union in 1991. McDonalds has is one of the countries it has to conquer. Kazakstans 1,052,100 square miles (2,724,900 square kilometres) make it by far the largest state in Central Asia and the ordinal largest in the world. Between its most distant points Kazakstan measures about 1,820 miles (2,930 kilometres) east to west and 960 miles north to south. While Kazakstan was not considered by authorities in the former Soviet

Business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Business ethics - screen ExampleFor a business organization to be able to come up with appropriate regulation of ethics, it important for leaders to know the kind of ethics which directs decision making and the direction the company is aiming at. Employees contribution is essential when creating code of ethics of a given company. This is because they ar involved in daytime to day running of the business. When they participate, they are likely to follow or respect their ideas and recommendations. Organizations are facing coarse environmental instability and uncertainty. Currently, businesses, public service and voluntary organizations are operating in business contexts which are unpredictable and unstable. In addition, they are faced with rapid change. In order to guarantee companies survival, attain their specialised goals and objectives as well as react to market and contextual uncertainties, organization leaders have function of identifying, formulating and enforcing proper strategies. Those managing organizations will have to consider normative values and standards of ethics in which the organizations and society function.Deontology is innate(p) from the word Deon, a Greek word that refers to duty. Deon refers to points of view where actions are considered as being ethical or not. It is also known to be the theory or model of moral obligation study. In foothold of ethical decision making, deontological approach was known to be a non-consequentialist theory. This indicates that end results or consequences of an action or activity do not dictate whether the action was right (correct) or wrong. This is because a bad deed of conveyance can cause a positive outcome. It refuses the popular view that the end justifies the means. For example, a person steals property to be able to provide food and shelter for his or her starving family. It also asserts that a practised character is not good absolutely. Ones kind or good deeds or words whitethorn result in bad

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Analyzing an accountant system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Analyzing an accountant system - Essay ExampleThe owner still has a debt engagement towards his relative ($100,000) which when accounted for is severely impacting the revenues generated by the company, thereby emergenceing in severe losses. The expenses for the purpose of conducting the business are of haphazard nature which does not explain the exact purpose of incurring such expenses. As an example, it can be cited that the owner of MTS spends 40% of its allocated advertisement budget on business lunches involving local theatre producers and directors and the rest 60% is spent on advertising in local newspapers, theatre programs, sponsoring local childrens theatre and delivering flyers to the community. No clear rationale can be identified from this distribution strategy. As is evident from the income logical argument, the expenses incurred from advertising and progression contributes significantly towards reducing the revenues generated by the company. For a startup company w hich is highly leveraged, efforts are needed to be put in order to reduce the obligations. The company unavoidably to restrict its expenses behind advertising and promotion. ... This is specially because these are the expenses that are most directly involved in creating revenues. As is evident from the income statement, MTS has incurred huge criterion of cost of goods sold as well as administrative expenses with respect to the revenues that the company has generated. The company needs to formulate a more effective strategy in order to bring down the aforesaid(prenominal) expenses. One particular area that is needed to be highlighted in the income statement is the expenses incurred as a result of payment made to the employees. According to the case study, MTS is supposed to book $25,000 as expenses due to payments made to employees. However, the income statement reflects a completely different figure which is significantly higher than the actual figure that is required to be repor ted. This sheds light on an important concern. The concern arises due to a weaker internal control within the company. The sobering error committed while drafting the income statement questions the credibility of the accounting official responsible for preparing the income statement. The keep down recorded as payment to employees in the year is $90,999 whereas the actual amount that had to be reported was $25,000. Had it been the case, thus it would take a crap significantly improved the figure that has been reported in the bottom line. This highlights a massive loophole in the internal control mechanism of the organization. There is no perfect approach towards employing officials who are experienced in the field of accounting. This is evident from the fact that the accounting part is handled by a person who does not have an accounting background and

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Transferability of outdoor management development (omd) programmes in Dissertation

Transferability of awaydoor management phylogeny (omd) programmes in organisations - Dissertation Exampleeview 15 Introduction 15 Definition of Outdoor Management teaching 17 The Framework 18 Outdoor Activities 23 Skills Areas 24 Structure of OMD Programmes 26 Critical Evaluation of OMD Philosophy 27 Usefulness of Outdoor Management Development Activities 29 Gap in explore 34 Summary 35 Research Methodology 37 Introduction 37 Research Philosophies 38 Research Approaches 40 data collection Methods 41 Data Analysis Strategy 42 Validity and Reliability 44 Research Ethics 44 Research Limitations 45 Summary 47 interchange and Analysis 48 Outdoor Activities and Participants 48 Data Collection 48 Steps Involved in the Activities 49 Review Process 49 Results 51 Discussion and Analysis of Results 52 Comments on Leadership Theory and Team-Working 53 Intra-Personal Attitudes 55 Orientation towards Team-Working and Teams 58 effects on Workplace Skills Transfer from Outdoor Activities to Workplace Environment 60 Conclusion and Recommendations 67 References 72 Appendix 77 Introduction Outdoor Management Development (OMD) is comprised of three components outdoor environment, experiential attainment and work behaviour changes. The outdoor environment erect be a variety of areas in which OMD programmes can be conducted. The outdoor environment can be provided by the woods, mountains, sea water and so on. The unplumbed purpose of outdoor environment is to facilitate outdoor activities in a achromatic environment as it meets initiatory condition to carry out OMD programme. There are numerous outdoor activities that are carried out with various objectives such as psychological safety, emotional intensity, skills development and so on. The outdoor activities include in-person development, leadership, aggroup development, stress management, communication, uncertainty management and problem... For these objectives, first conceptual frameworks and different dimensions of outdoor management development were discussed in the literature look backward. The definition of OMD, skills, outdoor activities, the framework and critical evaluation of OMD were conducted in the literature review part. In the discussion and analysis chapter, the practical research highlighted the different steps and outcomes of the outdoor activities. The key findings revealed that in the entire programme, 47 per centum of participants reported positive changes in the workplace behaviour. In the micro-dynamic tasks, 23 percent of participants revealed positive change did occur in the workplace behaviour. However, 52 percent of participants in the macro-dynamic tasks reported neutral changes in the workplace behaviours.Outdoor Management Development (OMD) is comprised of three components outdoor environment, experiential learning and workplace behaviour changes. The outdoor environment can be a variety of areas in which OMD programmes can be conducted. The outdoor environment can be provided by the woods, mountains, sea water and so on. The fundamental function of outdoor environment is to facilitate outdoor activities in a neutral environment as it meets first condition to carry out OMD programme. There are numerous outdoor activities that are carried out with different objectives such as psychological safety, emotional intensity, skills development and so on. The outdoor activities include personal development, leadership, team development, stress management, communication, uncertainty management and problem solving.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Comparison of Desk Suit with Chest of Drawers in Relation to Essay

Comparison of Desk Suit with Chest of Drawers in coition to Surrealism - Essay ExampleThe essay Comparison of Desk Suit with Chest of Drawers in Relation to Surrealism analyzes law of similarity and contrast of ii paintings. The paper provide a comparison of Desk suit (1936) with Chest of drawers (1936) in the context of surrealism. Surrealism was a cultural and literary movement that promoted the automatic and creative thinking among members of a society. The two painters were among the major proponents of the cultural and artistic movement. Their two paintings are therefore fundamental in fostering the return of the ideologies at the time. In the first section will be discussed Salvador Dalis painting and in the here and now will be discussed Elisa Schiaparellis painting. / The painting is an artistic masterpiece that embodies the dictates of surrealism. The painting of a homo with his bodies partitioned by drawers is a representation of Sigmund Freuds psychoanalysis. Art is a cultural product that ofttimes criticizes and represents the society. Sigmund Freud developed unique ideas of psychology that remains essential to the study to date. As such, Dali borrowed his ideas at the time to protrude the dictates of his ideologies. The artistic painting is an imaginative representation of Freuds unique psychology that assets that the human body consists of platonic. The offprint drawers represent the various secrets that a human keeps all of which are accessible only by an effective psychoanalysis as proposed by Sigmund Freud. The painting is unique as it communicates to a specific audience.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Organic Food Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organic Food - Research Paper Exampleand fertilizers atomic number 18 chemically prepared and most of the compounds used are harmful for the environment..During irrigation, sometimes these compounds mixing with the water establishment and reach into the nearby ponds and lakes. The chemicals mix with the fresh water and accelerate the growth of the weeds. When these weeds die, large amount of bacteria start playacting on them for their decomposition using ample amount of oxygen present in the water. This results in the finis of the aquatic life due to the scarcity of the dissolved oxygen. For instance, an 8,000 square mile dead zone was created in the Gulf of Mexico killing tons of fishes and other aquatic lives mainly due to fertilizer run-off Not unaccompanied this, but these chemical compounds are also harmful for the acres. They decrease the fertility of the soil at a much faster rate making it sterile and useless. These fertilizers are also absorbed by the fruits of the p lant. These are the same fruit which we buy and eat and consequently get sick. Moreover, also contaminate ground water and make them polluted (Koch, 775). Making our farming methods ingrained leave behind not only result in output signal of better quality of sustenance but also add to sustainability and environment friendly processes. It will preserve biodiversity along with increasing soil fertility. An average thoroughgoing farm provides more natural habitats to the wildlife. The gloomy concentration of pesticide remnants and the hazardous chemicals avoids the killings of the non-harmful insects and flora. Biodiversity balances the predominance of the growing crop by encouraging the diversity of species and genes. A system with the co-existence of varied species yields better quality of crop. Apart from the preservation of biodiversity, production of organic food also improves the soil quality by... This report stresses that the popularity of organic food is growing dramatic ally constituting more than 2% of all food sales and sales of organic food in united states surpassed $13.8 billion in 2005. Consumers going for organic food may do so for a number of reasons including the perceived benefits to the environment, welfare of the animals, safety of the workers and the experience that organic food are safer and more nutritious. This also indicates the greater health concerns of the public. By the way, while producing organic food, the farmer allows the fruit to ripe according to their natural time without manipulating it which might lead to small production compared to the large commercial farming. This paper makes a conclusion that even though organic food has many another(prenominal) advantages over the conventional ones, still we cannot really say that which food system is better. Organic food uses no chemicals. However, it is not completely pesticide free. This is mainly due to many factors beyond the control of the farmers. For example pesticide d rifts from adjacent palm or soil irrigation water and contamination. Also the data available does not allow for a par between export and domestic sales. Non certified organic food is difficult to survey in practice. even so though a lot has already been done in this field, still a lot carcass to achieve especially in developing countries. New methods and ideas are needed in the market so that organic food can reach even to the poor. After all everyone has the right to be healthy.