Friday, February 28, 2020

Ethical treatment of native americans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethical treatment of native americans - Essay Example Native Americans never understood the European ideology. They did not have a clue the reason the Europeans were able to fight for land. Native Americans believed that death makes one the owner of nothing. They also failed to understand the way one individual or group could â€Å"own† land because were not capable of owning the sky. It is this peaceful ideology of Native Americans that made them be the best target to the treaties and the land agreements gave by the United States government. The Indian Removal Bill was passed by the Congress in 1828, and it compelled the Indians living in the south to move to a new place or would be subjected to the state laws. The North strongly opposed this bill while the South supported it. The Bill that barely passed the Senate and House was a popular distribution support of the fertile Indian lands. The U.S. government was attracted into the Indians relocation since it provided the southern farmers with more farmland. As far as the practica l relocation went on, the task of relocating the Indians was in the hands of the Army, who by then often signed the work off to contractors. Attempts by the Indians at conforming were pointless and crushed quickly. The time Cherokees Americanized their tribe and adopted â€Å"the American Way†, the Georgia State quickly went in militias, forcing them on their way. Many Indians tribes fought for the U.S. against their fellow Indian brothers in return for the promise that the government to them that they would be protected against the removal.

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